Download free shadowlands 9.1
Download free shadowlands 9.1

Infernal Cascade (Conduit) Fire damage bonus reduced by 20%.Kindling (Talent) cooldown reduction for Combustion reduced to 1 second (was 1.5 seconds).Flame Patch (Talent) damage reduced by 10%.Balance of All Things (Runecarving Power) now grants 24% increased critical strike chance (was 40%) and decreases by 3% every 1 second (was 8% every 1 second).The free Starfall from Oneth’s Clear Vision (Runecarving Power) ignores the Stellar Drift (Talent) Starfall cooldown.

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  • Stellar Drift (Talent) has been redesigned – Starfall damage increased by 25% and allows you to cast while moving while Starfall is active, but it has a 15 second cooldown.
  • Solstice (Talent) now causes Shooting Stars to fall 200% more often (was 300%).
  • New Moon (Talent) now has 20 second recharge (was 25 seconds).
  • World of Warcraft Version 9.1.0 PTR Chains of Domination PTR Notes
  • Torghast Rework - Speed and Death Score.
  • Sanctum of Domination Mythic Raid Mount - Vengeance.
  • Last Two Bosses of Sanctum of Domination Drop Higher Item Level Loot.
  • Saurfang Trinket from Sylvanas Raid Boss.
  • Moriaz and Buttons Achievement in Sanctum of Domination.
  • New Legendary Ranks Don't Require Soul Ash.
  • New Soulbind Tiers, Conduit Slots, & Abilities.
  • It's worth noting that if you've leveled a new character or you're behind on Renown, you'll also be able to acquire it from other activities, such as Callings, killing raid bosses, and completing dungeons.Blizzard has posted Patch Notes for Patch 9.1 Chains of Domination's PTR which includes class changes, new features and more!

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    Return Lost Souls (weekly quest): This is another quest available every week after reset, sending you to The Maw to free Lost Souls and return them to your Covenant Sanctum.You can collect WoW Anima (opens in new tab) through world quests and from killing rare enemies throughout the Shadowlands.

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  • Replenish the Reservoir (weekly quest): This quest should be picked up every week (after reset) and requires you to collect 1000 Anima and deposit it at your Covenant Sanctum.
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    The rest are locked behind higher Renown levels, so if you want to gain enough Renown to unlock further chapters of your Covenant Campaign, you'll need to look at the other activities. You can complete the first two chapters as soon as you hit level 60 and join your chosen Covenant.

  • Covenant Campaign Chapters: Each of these chapters will grant you one level of Renown.

  • Download free shadowlands 9.1